Hi folks how are you? Just a quick update on what’s been happening in my life lately and to see how you all are too?
I’ve been doing much session work in my studio of late and I must just take a minute to thank Avi Rosnfeld, Tallen Cross, Peter Daltrey, Gabrielle De Val, Atack and all at Escape Music for inviting me onto their recent albums and recordings. please take a minute to checkout their music whilst contemplating your next move!
For me it’s onwards, and if not upwards, sideways at least with more session and live work and more videos planned for the future. If you would like me to play on your latest release please drop me a line.
If you like me interviews please let me know if I should do some more and who you would like me to talk to and if you would like any demos or explanations of instruments or tunes then please stick them down below in the comments, just after you have liked and subscribed!
Thanks you so much, see you soon.